1st International Culture Industry Conference & Exhibition of Major National Culture Enterprises and Projects, 29. svibnja 2016. godine, Peking, Kina
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Veleposlanstvo Republike Hrvatske u Pekingu zaprimilo je pozivnicu Chena Penga, glavnog tajnika „China Society for WTO Studies“, MOFCOM (Ministarstvo gospodarstva NR Kine), za konferenciju 1st International Culture Industry Conference & Exhibition of Major National Culture Enterprises and Projects, koja će se održati tijekom 4th CIFTIS (China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services), 29. svibnja 2016. godine, u Pekingu (China National Convention Center). Konferencija se sastoji od foruma i izložbe.</p>
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- Forum: „The 2nd International Summit Forum on the Trade of Finance and Culture“, održat će se 29. svibnja 2016. godine od 14:00 do 17:30 sati.</p>
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- Izložba: „The 1st „Belt and Road“ Exhibition of Culture, Art and Tourism“, održat će se od 28. svibnja do 1. lipnja 2016. godine.</p>
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Osoba za kontakt je Sarah Qiao, China Society for WTO Studies, MOFCOM. Tel:+86 10 6598 0531; mob:+86 135 81765176; fax:+86 10 6598 0532; e-mail: <a href="mailto:peking@ccpct.org">peking@ccpct.org</a>; te u Veleposlanstvu RH Peking Ivica Glasnović, e-mail: <a href="mailto:ivica.glasnovic@mvep.hr">ivica.glasnovic@mvep.hr</a>.</p>
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Web site: <a href="http://www.ccpct.org/">www.ccpct.org</a></p>