Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

State Secretary Metelko-Zgombić participates in videoconference of European affairs ministers

State Secretary for Europe Andreja Metelko-Zgombić participated in an informal videoconference of European affairs ministers, discussing preparations for the videoconference of the members of the European Council on 25 and 26 March

State Secretary for Europe Andreja Metelko-Zgombić participated in an informal videoconference of European affairs ministers, discussing preparations for the videoconference of the members of the European Council on 25 and 26 March. The ministers took note of documents concerning the 2021 European Semester, while the Portuguese Presidency informed them about the state of play on the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Concerning the pandemic, Metelko-Zgombić underscored the importance of ensuring a stable and predictable vaccine rollout, stressing that it was necessary to speed up the process in order for the EU to reach its 70% vaccination target by summer. She emphasized that all member states needed to enjoy equal status in vaccine distribution and that it was necessary to balance the approach because of member states that, due to delays in vaccine distribution, have the lowest vaccination rate. Concerning the Digital Green Certificate, Croatia welcomes the Commission’s proposal and expects the legal framework to be adopted and technical preparations to be completed by June as planned. Regarding the single market and the industrial policy, Metelko-Zgombić stressed the importance of strengthening strategic autonomy in order to boost resilience to future crises, whereby key areas for improving production capacities have to be determined. The revised industrial strategy announced for end-April has to include lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis as well as offer a strategic view to a sustainable and inclusive recovery. Croatia supports the ambitious goals of digital transformation and the 2030 Digital Compass, whereby it is important to ensure additional support for the development of digital skills in order to build an inclusive digital society. Concerning the EU-Turkey relations, Croatia underscored the need to continue the dialogue and cooperation in areas of joint interest, notably migration.

The ministers took note of the synthesis report and the updated roadmap on the 2021 European Semester.

Finally, as a follow-up to the a joint declaration signed by the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on 10 March, the Portuguese Presidency reported on the state of play on the Conference on the Future of Europe, whose Executive Board is to be co-chaired by Dubravka Šuica. Metelko-Zgombić welcomed the agreement, underlining that the Conference should discuss matters of importance and interest to the citizens.


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