Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Press release on terrorist attacks in France

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs received with sadness and profound indignation the news about terrorist attacks in France and on the French consulate in Saudi Arabia

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs received with sadness and profound indignation the news about terrorist attacks in France and on the French consulate in Saudi Arabia. We condemn these attacks in the harshest terms and consider them acts of cruelty, violation of civilizational norms and a threat to the system of values that Europe has been consistently promoting in recent decades, both in its own territory and in dialogue with other countries.

We have been building Europe as a realm of security where citizens enjoy the highest standards of human rights protection and we intend to keep it that way. We express sympathy and unreserved support for our French friends and sincere condolences to the victims’ families.


Press releases