Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Croatia, Hungary relax border regime for residents of border area

Croatia and Hungary have agreed to relax the border regime in order to enable citizens of both countries who have residence within the area of 30 kilometres from the border or work in a company based in that area to cross the border...

Croatia and Hungary have agreed to relax the border regime in order to enable citizens of both countries who have residence within the area of 30 kilometres from the border or work in a company based in that area to cross the border, the Croatian Ministry of the Interior said on Tuesday. 

People living or working in the border area will be allowed to cross the border every day or when necessary.

Upon their return home, they will have to obey self-isolation rules and they can continue doing farm and other work. If this exemption did not exist, Hungarian nationals would have to self-isolate for 14 days already upon their first return home, the ministry explained.

The relaxed sanitary measures refer only to those nationals of the two countries who have a justified reason to cross the border in order to do the work that is considered economically important as well as to persons who can prove ownership of land in the other country for the purpose of farm work.

All other persons who live in the border area but cannot prove that they need to cross the border are not exempt from the sanitary measures in force.

Workers who need to cross the border will be issued with a pass by their employers while other passes, for example, for farming purposes, will be issued by local civil protection authorities.

The agreed regime will be in force on all border crossings between Croatia and Hungary as of 7 a.m. March 31.  

Source: Hina

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