Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

FM attends meeting on transport connections

Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlić Radman 4 January 2020 in Mursko Središće met with Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts Darko Horvat...

Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlić Radman 4 January 2020 in Mursko Središće met with Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts Darko Horvat, Mayor Dražen Srpak, head of the Slovenian municipality of Lendava Janez Magyar and representatives of the Hungarian municipality of Narda. They discussed transport investment aimed at relieving traffic through Croatia’s northernmost border town, i.e. the construction of a bypass and a bridge across the Mura River, which requires the construction of a junction in Slovenia.

Grlić Radman underscored that the project was an excellent example, which fits into Croatia’s priority of “a Europe that connects”. The bypass in Croatia’s northernmost town will solve citizens’ problems, he said, but it is necessary to agree on a junction with Slovenia. The minister stressed that the problem had to be resolved as soon as possible not only because of Mursko Središće but also because of the cross-border aspect, as it concerned Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary and nearby Austria.

Horvat said today’s meeting was a direct contribution of a government meeting held in Čakovec, after which the Croatian Roads have conducted studies and the project has received full justification both from Croatia and the European Commission.

Mursko Središće Mayor Dražen Srpak underscored satisfaction that the meeting was attended by the head of the neighbouring Slovenian municipality of Lendava, Janez Magyar, who supported the project. He was hopeful that the junction would be agreed upon soon.


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