Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Press release on United Nations Day

The United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter

The United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. On this day we celebrate the founding of a unique global political platform, a place where solutions to the biggest global problems are sought. We also commemorate the organization’s dedication to building trust among its member states as well as stimulating an atmosphere of communication and dialogue among peoples, notably in the area of maintaining world peace and security.

The 74th UN General Assembly session continued the discussion on climate change and sustainable development. September saw two climate action summits and a summit on sustainable development goals, which was the first of its kind since the adoption of the Agenda 2030. The UN facilitated its global adoption, thus laying the foundation for continued dialogue on what has to be done in order to reduce the impact of climate change on world population.

During its 27 years of membership, Croatia has continually advocated the strengthening of international cooperation and multilateralism. It has shown its contribution to the international community through the three-year membership of the Human Rights Council, ending in 2019. Our HRC membership had underscored that we are a responsible member of the international community pushing for the respect of the highest human right standards across the globe. Underway is the drafting of the Universal Periodical Review, expected to be published in May 2020.


Press releases