Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Press release on occasion of Europe Day

Each year on May 9th we celebrate the Europe Day and remember the Schuman Declaration, which proposed the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, the precursor for today’s European Union

Each year on May 9th we celebrate the Europe Day and remember the Schuman Declaration, which proposed the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, the precursor for today’s European Union.

Today, despite all the challenges it is faced with, Europe is still a symbol of peace, prosperity and quality of live. The EU represents a community of high democratic standards, respect for human rights and rule of law, encompassing a broad market, offering its citizens numerous opportunities, and providing a high level of security and a free flow of people, capital, goods and services.

Today, on Europe Day and ahead of European Parliament elections, at a meeting in Sibiu, which will also be attended by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, the heads of the EU member states will adopt a declaration underscoring that only a united Europe can rise to contemporary challenges. The declaration will confirm common responsibility for the further strengthening of the EU while creating a better and brighter future for all its citizens.

Marking the Europe Day, Croatia also remembers its EU membership journey as it prepares for the Council of the EU presidency in the first half of 2020, just six years into our EU membership and nearly 30 years since gaining independence. The presidency will be a big responsibility for the whole country and the biggest job the state administration has ever undertaken, as well as an opportunity for Croatia to show that it is ready to be at the helm of the EU and use this role to strengthen its position not just in the EU but also internationally.

In the period ahead, our activities in the EU will focus on utilizing the advantages of membership for the prosperity of all Croatian citizens and on further bolstering Croatia’s position in the EU.


Press releases