Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Pejčinović Burić presented the Croatian programme for Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to the OSCE Permanent Council

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejčinović Burić attended on Thursday 14 June 2018, in Vienna, the meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council...

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejčinović Burić attended on Thursday 14 June 2018, in Vienna, the meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, in the capacity of Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The Minister took part in the meeting at the invitation of Italy, currently presiding over the OSCE. Presentation of the Chairmanship programme by the Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and exchange of opinion with OSCE participating States is part of the standard practice within the framework of the long-term cooperation existing between these two European organisations.

In her address to the permanent representatives of OSCE participating States the Minister emphasised the importance Croatia assigns to multilateral forums and dialogue. In that sense, she commended the existing cooperation between the Council of Europe and the OSCE and invited both organisations to continue coordinating their activities and searching for joint responses to new challenges emerging on the European continent, such as the migration crisis, terrorism, intolerance or the rise of populism.

The Minister presented the priorities and main accents of the Croatian Chairmanship (fight against corruption, efficient protection of national minorities and vulnerable groups, decentralisation, protection of cultural heritage), in part identical to the priorities of the Italian OSCE Chairmanship, which offers additional opportunities for developing cooperation.

Representatives of the participating States expressed their support to the Croatian Chairmanship and the presented programme as well as their readiness to further advance activities aimed at promoting common values with a view to strengthening peace and security in Europe.

During her visit in Austria, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Pejčinović Burić met with representatives of Croatian and Burgenland Croats’ Associations who are an important link in the relations of the two states. The Minister expressed her thanks for the active involvement of Croats in Austria to date and pointed out that Croatia will continue to care for Croats abroad – in preserving their identity, culture and language and protecting their minority rights. The Minister also visited the Croatian Catholic Mission in Vienna where she met with the head of the mission fra Josip Koren and his associates.

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