Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFEA: Slovenia has no right to apply its rules and regulations in Croatian territory

Regarding Slovenia’s announcements about possible fines for Croatian fishermen fishing in Croatian territory, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs states the following:...

Regarding Slovenia’s announcements about possible fines for Croatian fishermen fishing in Croatian territory, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs states the following:

Slovenia has no right to apply its rules and regulations in Croatian territory, nor to take any action against Croatian fishermen or charge fines. Slovenian regulations can apply only in Slovenia’s actual territory and not the territory indicated in the border arbitration award. The award is neither self-implementable nor unilaterally implementable and cannot by itself influence a change of the border on the ground.

Croatian fishermen are fishing in areas in which they have traditionally done so, both before and after Croatia and Slovenia gained independence in 1991, and Croatian authorities in the area are conducting their regular activities.

The Ministry calls again on the Slovenian side to exercise restraint, take no unilateral action, and expects that in the coming period Slovenia will show commitment to a peaceful resolution of outstanding issues and accept that a solution to the border issue can only be found through constructive dialogue and bilateral agreement.

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