Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

FM Pejčinović Burić attends GAC meeting

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejčinović Burić 12 December 2017 in Brussels attended a meeting of the General Affairs Council and a meeting of the General Affairs Council (Article 50)

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejčinović Burić 12 December 2017 in Brussels attended a meeting of the General Affairs Council and a meeting of the General Affairs Council (Article 50).

The Council discussed draft conclusions for a European Council meeting scheduled for December 14 and 15, which will focus on security and defence, social issues, education and culture. Pejčinović Burić underlined the importance of establishing permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) as an important step towards effective security and defence cooperation, advancing the European defence industry and strengthening cooperation with NATO. In regard to social policy, Pejčinović Burić supported efforts aimed at achieving a Union based on ensuring equitable jobs for citizens, inclusive growth and equal opportunity. Regarding education and culture, she welcomed the strengthening of the Erasmus+ programme, promotion of foreign language learning among youth and development of digital competencies.

The Council also exchanged opinions on the implementation of the European Council conclusions of 19 October concerning migration, a digital Europe, security and defence, and external relations.

Under the item of legislative programming, the Council approved the text of a joint statement on priority areas of action for 2018, which will be signed on the sidelines of the European Council meeting on 15 December by the presidents of the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament. The legislative initiatives which according to the joint statement should be given a priority in the legislative procedure until the end of the term of the present Commission correspond to the priorities which Croatia advocated at October’s meetings of the General Affairs Council and at a meeting of the European Council.

Under the last item on the agenda, the European Commission presented the Annual Growth Survey for 2018. The document provides an overview of the economic situation in the EU and outlines general economic and social priorities for the following year. Its publication marks the start of a new annual cycle of the European Semester.

The ministers held informal talks with the foreign ministers of the EU candidate countries, exchanging views on issues relating to EU enlargement, notably a strategy which the European Commission will publish in February 2018.

The GAC Article 50 meeting discussed the joint report by EU and UK negotiators on the progress made in the first phase of Brexit talks.

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