Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Slovenia once again requested to remove fence from Croatian territory

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs forwarded a diplomatic note to the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, reiterating strong protest against and grave concern over Slovenia’s continuing to put barbed wire fence on Croatian territory

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs forwarded a diplomatic note to the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, reiterating strong protest against and grave concern over Slovenia’s continuing to put barbed wire fence on Croatian territory. The note in particular refers to the locations along the Sutla River that belong beyond any dispute to the Croatian municipalities of Novi Dvor Klanjecki, Miljana and Klanjec. The note reiterates Croatia’s demand that the fence on Croatian territory be removed without delay.

Slovenia’s conduct runs complete contrary to the assurances given by Slovenia’s top officials on 29 November that no fence would be put up in the areas “that might be considered disputable in light of the two countries’ border demarcation efforts”, i.e. that other border control measures would be put in place in those areas.

The ministry refutes Slovenia’s previous explanations that erecting the fence is a temporary measure that is not intended to prejudge border demarcation and harm the dispute. Slovenia is warned once again that no reasons could or should justify erecting a barbed wire fence on Croatia’s territory.

The note underlines that removing the wire from border crossing points has nothing to do with interpreting and implementing the Agreement on Local Border Traffic and Cooperation, which falls under the competence of the Standing Mixed Commission, and calls on Slovenia once again to adapt its conduct to the obligations stemming from said agreement.

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs expresses dissatisfaction over the fact that Slovenia’s conduct has led to four protest notes in as many weeks. The ministry also hopes that Slovenia will respond to its justified protests and in the spirit of European and good-neighbourly relations stop putting up barbed wire on Croatian territory.

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