Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

First group of 2014-2015 Export Support Action Plan measures successfully implemented

The fifth session of the Commission for the Internalization of Croatian Economy confirmed a successfully implementation of the first group of measures from the 2014-2015 Export Support Action Plan

The fifth session of the Commission for the Internalization of Croatian Economy confirmed a successfully implementation of the first group of measures from the 2014-2015 Export Support Action Plan. The session was chaired by the Commission’s chairman and Deputy Foreign Minister Joško Klisović.

After the government 8 May 2014 adopted the Action Plan, which represents a platform of sustained and practical support to exporters through 13 activities and 41 measures, its implementation began. Today’s session reviewed the results so far.

Of the five measures slated for implementation in the second trimester of 2014, all have been implemented:

1) Ensuring the proliferation of export opportunities from diplomatic and consular representations through business associations. All DCRs abroad have begun with a systematic gathering of business opportunities for Croatian exporters which, having been processed at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, are being delivered to business associations (HUP, HIZ, HGK and HOK) for further distribution to companies. The second trimester of 2014 saw 220 export opportunities being delivered.

2) Gathering exporters according to markets and profile. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs guides exporters to foreign trade missions and gathers them according to their interests in certain markets. In the second trimester of 2014, eight gatherings were organized, which saw the participation of 115 companies.

3) Gathering exporters according to projects abroad. Croatian DCRs abroad began gathering exporters for the purposes of joint appearance or applying to tenders in a certain country. Seven such gatherings were organized in the second trimester of 2014, involving 30 Croatian companies.

4) More favourable financing of buyers abroad. As of May 2014, as part of the “Loans for Buyers” programme, the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) is offering loans with an interest rate equal to the Commercial Interest Reference Rates (CIRR) up to the amounts of HRK 1 billion. (more on

5) New financial packages for beginner exporters. As of May 2014, as part of the “Export Preparations” programme, HBOR is offering a more favourable interest rate for beginner exporters (2%). Beginner exporters are determined as business subjects appearing on a foreign market for the first time, appearing on a foreign market they haven’t been present before or placing on a familiar market a new product and/or service. (more on

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