Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Pusić: Continuation of excellent cooperation and joint projects with Norway

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić met today with Norwegian State Secretary for European Union and European Economic Area Affairs Ingvild Nass Stub

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić met today with Norwegian State Secretary for European Union and European Economic Area Affairs Ingvild Næss Stub.

“I am pleased to be here and pleased that we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which will strengthen our excellent bilateral cooperation and lead to further cooperation in green innovations, legal sector and education. There are numerous areas we can cooperate in and I am happy to be a part of it,” said Stub after the talks.

Pusić thanked Norway for the support it showed Croatia by signing said memorandum. “For us this is extremely important and represents a continuation of the excellent cooperation between Croatia and Norway, which we hope would carry on in all areas. Norway is interested in our region, which we are very glad for and interested in, and wish to cooperate there as well. Given the high standards of institutions and state administration functioning in Norway, we want to take full advantage of that and use it here in joint projects. Thank you, Norway,” Pusić said.

Asked about the role of investment commissioners in light of the existence of the Investment Agency, Pusić replied: “The commissioners won’t lead investment projects; they are here to assist investors in solving certain immediate difficulties they may encounter, such as sluggish administration, lack of response from civil servants or institutions, obtaining permits and so on. This is their duty. I believe all ministries should work together on improving the investment climate. It is a task that goes beyond the government, but should certainly involve all of it,” the minister said. 

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