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Croatia supports the Joint Statement on Syria

Croatia supports the Joint Statement on Syria, made on the margins of the G20 meeting in Sankt Petersburg on 6 September by Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Japan...

Croatia supports the Joint Statement on Syria, made on the margins of the G20 meeting in Sankt Petersburg on 6 September by Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, Great Britain and the United States, which "condemns in the strongest terms the horrific chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus on August 21st that claimed the lives of so many men, women, and children" and calls for "a strong international response to this grave violation of the world’s rules and conscience that will send a clear message that this kind of atrocity can never be repeated. Those who perpetrated these crimes must be held accountable". The statement also calls for "the UN fact finding mission to present its results as soon as possible", underlines that "Syria’s conflict has no military solution", reiterating the "commitment to seek a peaceful political settlement through full implementation of the 2012 Geneva Communique".

The statement also corresponds in all of the key elements to the statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton following the informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers held 7 September in Vilnius, which reads that the attack "constituted a blatant violation of international law, a war crime, and a crime against humanity, and we were unanimous in condemning it in the strongest terms". "The international community cannot remain idle," it goes on. "A clear and strong response is crucial to make clear that such crimes are unacceptable and that there can be no impunity. The EU urges the UN Security Council to unite in its efforts to prevent any further chemical attack. Only a political solution can end the terrible bloodshed."

Croatia once again reiterates it is necessary to prevent any use of chemical weapons, stop the bloodshed in Syria and find a permanent political solution for that country.

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