Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Interdepartmental Working Group for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid meets

Chaired by Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić, the Interdepartmental Working Group for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid held a meeting 22 January 2013


Chaired by Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić, the Interdepartmental Working Group for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid held a meeting 22 January 2013. 

In attendance were representatives of 33 state administration bodies, civil society, private sector and academic community. It was pointed out that development cooperation represents an important support mechanism for developing countries, by sharing the know-how, experience and value systems, and laying the foundation for partnership relations and long-term cooperation. 

Although Croatia is a young donor country, with a relatively small volume of official development aid, war and post-war experience, democratic transition, EU accession process and the still fresh experience of state building represent added value in the global donor community, as well as better acceptance by partner countries. Geographically, Croatia is directing development cooperation to its immediate neighbourhood – South Eastern Europe, Southern Mediterranean and Afghanistan, primarily focusing on education, public health, tourism and civil society development. 

The meeting also put forth propositions on how to improve the efficiency of development cooperation and aid, stressing the need for its gradual increase.


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