Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Observance and round table discussion organized in parliament on Croatia’s 20th UN admission anniversary

After the observance, a round table discussion was held, of which the first part themed “The Time of Croatia's International Recognition and UN Admission” was moderated by Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusić

Attending the observance were Croatian President Ivo Josipović, Parliament Speaker Boris Šprem, Prime Minister Zoran Milanović, UN Assistant Secretary-General for human rights Ivan Šimonović, as well as numerous leading international and Croatian officials and diplomats at the time of Croatia's international recognition and UN admission.

After the observance, a round table discussion was held, of which the first part themed “The Time of Croatia's International Recognition and UN Admission” was moderated by Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusić.

Delivering speeches about Croatia’s early years of independence were first Speaker of the Croatian Parliament (1990-1992) Žarko Domljan, Prime Minister (1991-1992) Franjo Gregurić, President (2000-2010), Parliament Speaker (1992-1994), SFRY Presidency Chairman (1991), Prime Minister (1990) and UN Security Council President (December 2008) Stjepan Mesić, and Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights for the former Yugoslavia (1992-1995) Tadeusz Mazowiecki.

Giving an outside view on the first years of Croatia’s independence were Slovenian President (1991-2002) Milan Kučan, Hungarian Foreign Minister (1990-1994) Geza Jeszenszky, French Foreign Minister (1984-1986, 1988-1993) Roland Dumas, and the Holy See’s Secretary for Relations with States (1990-2003) Jean-Louis Tauran.

On Croatia’s admission to the UN itself, presentations were delivered by Croatia’s Permanent Representative to the UN (1992-1997) Mario Nobilo, US Permanent Representative to the UN (1989-1992) Thomas Pickering and UK Permanent Representative to the UN (1990-1995) Lord David Hannay.

The second part of the round table themed “Two Decades of Croatia’s UN Membership: Challenges and Achievements” was moderated by Deputy Foreign Minister Joško Klisović and saw presentations by Foreign Minister (1993-2000) Mate Granić, Polish Prime Minister (1989-1991) and Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights for the former Yugoslavia (1992-1995) Tadeusz Mazowiecki, temporary administrator of the UN Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem – UNTAES (1996-1997) Jacques Paul Klein, Croatia’s Permanent Representative to the UN (1997-2000), ECOSOC President (2000), Deputy Foreign Minister (1996-1997, 2003) and Assistant Foreign Minister (1994-1996) Ivan Šimonović, and Stjepan Mesić.

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