Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Pusić received Head of OSCE Office in Zagreb Jose Enrique Horcajada Schwartz

Pusić thanked Horcajada for the excellent cooperation in the fulfilment and implementation of the OSCE Croatia mandate, stressing that the partnering relationship between the host country and the organization had greatly contributed to the shift in the country's political culture and the society in general

Pusić thanked Horcajada for the excellent cooperation in the fulfilment and implementation of the OSCE Croatia mandate, stressing that the partnering relationship between the host country and the organization had greatly contributed to the shift in the country's political culture and the society in general.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the end of the organization’s 15-year field presence in Croatia, which has been recognized as a marked success. Croatia has set clear standards when it comes to a potential model of closing OSCE missions in the region, the two officials said.

They also agreed that the organization’s long-standing presence in Croatia had played a significant part in its democratic development, namely in the area of human rights, as well as in the stability and security of this part of Europe.

Given its experience in post-conflict recovery and the strengthening of democratic institutions, Croatia was willing to transfer that to the neighbouring countries and its Mediterranean partners, Pusić said, thus further contributing to the organization’s efficiency and the stabilization of the OSCE region as a whole.

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