Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Working meeting held on visas, work and residence permits

Minister Pusić said the meeting was organised in light of the government’s efforts to stimulate and protect investments in Croatia

Minister Pusić said the meeting was organised in light of the government’s efforts to stimulate and protect investments in Croatia. She underscored the government was firmly committed to creating prerequisites for encouraging the investment climate and facilitating business procedures for all investors. She also said that the relevant government bodies would take into consideration all the comments and suggestions from today’s meeting in order to prepare concrete measures for advancing the investment climate in practice.

Pusić announced that her advisor on economic issues would be appointed next month to facilitate communication with domestic business people who operated abroad and with foreign business people and investors in Croatia.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the interior and foreign ministries, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, the Croatian Employers Association, and foreign economic offices at the embassies in Zagreb.

The meeting discussed Croatia’s legal framework regulating foreigners’ entry, residence and work in Croatia as well as its practical application, in order to see how possible obstacles to investment in Croatia could be eliminated.

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