Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Pusić attended as observer EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels

The meeting discussed Syria, Belarus and Iran. The European Union has stiffened the sanctions against Syria due to the continuation of violence against civilians and human rights violations

The meeting discussed Syria, Belarus and Iran. The European Union has stiffened the sanctions against Syria due to the continuation of violence against civilians and human rights violations. This is the EU’s 13th round of sanctions against the Syrian regime. The ministers also decided on strengthening the sanctions against Belarus, adding to the list another 12 persons and 29 companies whose assets have been frozen.

They also analysed the progress and implementation of the EU Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel one year since its adoption.

Croatia was invited to attend the next meeting of the Friends of Syria, scheduled for 1 April in Istanbul. The meeting will gather representatives of Western and Arab countries and seek solutions to end the crisis in the country. The Friends of Syria held its first meeting February in Tunis, when they called on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to momentarily end the violence against civilians and allow the delivery of humanitarian aid.

On the fringes of the meeting, Pusić held talks with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić.

The day before, Pusić also attended the meeting of EU foreign ministers with the foreign ministers of candidate countries – Montenegro, Iceland, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.

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