Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFAEI hosted presentation of postage stamp jointly published by Croatian and Vatican Post for 300th birth anniversary of Ruđer Josip Bošković

Participating in the presentation were Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Gordan Jandroković, Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb Msgr. Valentin Pozaić and Croatian Post CEO Robert Jukić, along with the attendance by Apostolic Nuncio to Croatia Msgr. Mario Roberto Cassari, members of the Organizational Committee for marking the “Year of Ruđer Bošković” and representatives of the ecclesiastical authority, including those from the Croatian Province of the Society of Jesus

Participating in the presentation were Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Gordan Jandroković, Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb Msgr. Valentin Pozaić and Croatian Post CEO Robert Jukić, along with the attendance by Apostolic Nuncio to Croatia Msgr. Mario Roberto Cassari, members of the Organizational Committee for marking the “Year of Ruđer Bošković” and representatives of the ecclesiastical authority, including those from the Croatian Province of the Society of Jesus.

Minister Jandroković thanked all those that had recognized the significance of the project and contributed to its realization. He expressed satisfaction that Croatia had realized two joint philatelist editions with the Vatican Post. The first joint postage stamp was published in 1998 on the occasion of the 500th birth anniversary of Croatian miniaturist Juraj Julije Klović.

Speaking about the ties between Croatia and the Holy See, he pointed out that next year would mark the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations and said the Croatian people would never forget the gravity of the moment in which the Holy See had been among the first to recognize Croatia’s independence, in times of war and political turmoil.

In that regard, the joint publication of the postage stamp with Ruđer Bošković on it is a further confirmation of the traditionally good relations between Croatia and the Holy See, and will contribute to the efforts to present Bošković’s work and Croatian identity on an international scale, said Minister Jandroković. He expressed special satisfaction over the acceptance of the proposal by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration for the stamp’s background to show the sketch of the dome of the basilica of St. Peter, for the reconstruction of which Bošković together with two French mathematicians had offered a lasting solution, thus saving this unparalleled work by Michelangelo from complete destruction.

Bošković belongs to Croatia as much as he does to Europe, but has kept his loyalty to his homeland as the supreme value, serving as an example and signpost for Croatia’s pending membership in the European Union, into which Croatia will weave its cultural values and religious tradition, thus contributing to the strengthening of Europe’s Christian identity as well, concluded the minister.

He also pointed out that the stamp would see a presentation in Rome in a few days as well, organized by the Croatian Embassy to the Holy See.

Croatian Post CEO Robert Jukić presented the look of the stamp, while Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb Valentin Pozaić recalled the words of the Holy Father during his recent apostolic visit to Croatia, who had praised this world-renowned Croat and a true Jesuit.

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