Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Jandroković congratulated Speaker of the National Assembly Schmitt on his recent election as the future President of Hungary and extended his gratitude for a wholehearted support during Croatian negotiations for full membership in the European Union. He expressed his hope that Croatia will sign the Accession Treaty during the Hungarian Presidency over the EU in the first half of 2011, and that the Hungarian Assembly, which was the first Parliament to ratify the Protocol on NATO Enlargement to Croatia, will be among the first Parliaments to ratify the Treaty on Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union.

Both parties confirmed the strategic partnership between the two countries, which is evident in a very good political, economic, cultural and trans-border cooperation with high level of protection for national minorities, which can serve as an example of good neighbourly relations in the region.

Analysing the regional context, the parties agreed that the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Hungary can be important factors in the process of stabilisation and bringing closer of the region of South East Europe to Euro Atlantic integrations. On this occasion Minister Jandroković expressed his support to all regional initiatives.

The parties expressed their satisfaction over the closure of successful implementation of the twinning project of support to the Croatian Parliament for the preparation for EU accession, which was funded by the EU.

At the end of the meeting, Minister Jandroković expressed his hope and expectation that this summer Hungarian tourists will visit Croatia in great numbers. He said that he finds the setting up of a temporary Hungarian consulate in Split, as well as the stay of Hungarian police officers in the Zadar region very useful so that they could be at the disposal of Hungarian tourists.

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