Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

In his message written in the guestbook in the Yad Vashem Memorial Centre, Minister Jandroković stressed that the Republic of Croatia, the Constitution of which has deeply rooted antifascist principles, inheriting the Croatian antifascist tradition, with great respect remembers and pays respect to the innocent victims of the Holocaust.

„Croatian people, who have throughout history faced many difficult experiences, strongly advocate prohibition of any kind of racial or religious discrimination and we are determined to be the torchbearers in preventing such tendencies in the future and treasuring memories of the Holocaust in today’s world. The horror of the Holocaust must never be forgotten so that this tragic experience would never happen to anyone anywhere. This crime against Jewish people serves as a warning to the entire mankind as well as future generations”, Minister Jandroković concluded in his message.

Today, Minister Jandroković also visited the National cemetery on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem, named for Theodor Herzl, founder of political Zionism, whose tomb lies at the top of the hill.

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