Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

State Secretary Davor Božinović met with President of the Government of the Palestinian Authority Salamon Fayyad

State Secretary Božinović expressed satisfaction with the agreement to continue peace negotiations between the Israeli and the Palestinian side with the meditation of American envoy George Mitchell, and hope that mediated negotiations, with the help of the United States of America, the European Union and all included participants, would soon lead to concrete developments.

He informed his collocutor about Croatia’s efforts to find a solution that would include both states and ensure their life side by side in peace and safety. While speaking about the recently concluded membership in the UN Security Council, the current activities in NATO, and the approaching membership of the European Union, he said that Croatia was an active agent contributing to international security, and that it was following with great interest the global security issues.

Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority Fayyad informed State Secretary Božinović that he personally met with American envoy Mitchell, adding that the follow-up to the negotiations was eagerly expected.

He was interested in Croatia’s European integration processes and the prospects of Croatia’s accession to the European Union.

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