Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Overall of 182 diplomats promoted to lowest and higher diplomatic rank

The emphasis was once again on the promotion of younger civil servants, with 157 of the promoted being low and mid-ranking, and 25 of them high-ranking diplomats

The emphasis was once again on the promotion of younger civil servants, with 157 of the promoted being low and mid-ranking, and 25 of them high-ranking diplomats. The goal is to stimulate further professionalization and the creation of solid foundation for strengthening the diplomatic service’s human potential.

All the executive-level civil servants, as well as the heads of missions and consular offices, have been notified about the possibility of applying their subordinates for promotion and about the criteria they should merit. That way, the executives were given the opportunity to take direct part in the career progression of the employees.

The promotion applications have been reviewed by a special commission consisting of chief executives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. Of the 279 applications submitted, the commission approved 182 of them.

We would like to point out that all of the promotions have been granted based on satisfying the formal preconditions, work achievements, superiors’ recommendations and, finally, the Ministry’s financial abilities, all in accordance with the Croatian laws and the Ministry’s relevant regulations and acts, namely the Civil Servants Act, the Foreign Affairs Act, and the Rules on Internal Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and the Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices of the Republic of Croatia.

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