Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

On occasion of Human Rights Day, MFAEI calls for eliminating all forms of discrimination and stronger implementation of international treaties in region

The Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which represents one of the key places for the development of the philosophical, political and legal idea within the framework of mankind’s history

The Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which represents one of the key places for the development of the philosophical, political and legal idea within the framework of mankind’s history. By determining the basic principles of human rights – universality, interdependence and indivisibility, the basis for understanding each human being is affirmed: their dignity. The Declaration is a founding stone for the development of the international human rights law, its founding documents and all the future ones protecting the right of each individual to a dignified life, as the ideas and the freedom-loving aspiration of the Declaration, once written in these documents, become the law that all countries must abide by.

The Croatian Government has marked the Human Rights Day by publishing an official translation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Official Gazette (NN no. 12/2009).

When marking the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Discrimination against Women, we should recall the reason for its adoption: the discrimination against women around the world and in all spheres of life. It is necessary to take further measures to realize full gender equality.

The Republic of Croatia has accepted the basic international instruments for the protection of human rights and continues to take part in their implementation and the development of new ones, which expand the reaches of the protection to meet the challenges of modern times.

The protection and promotion of human rights is integrated into the principles of Croatia’s foreign policy. It is a policy that Croatia advocates in both global and regional bodies, as well as in the bilateral contacts with other countries.

On this occasion, while marking the Human Rights Day, we would like to point out that upgrading and strengthening the efforts in the overall protection of human rights is the direction that Croatia is going to continue taking in the future.

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