Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

In relation to the text published by the BBC depicting Croatia as a country of corruption and organized crime

We consider the text published on the website of the BBC to be completely malicious and unfounded, and it is our firm belief that it does not accurately reflect the current safety situation in the Republic of Croatia

We consider the text published on the website of the BBC to be completely malicious and unfounded, and it is our firm belief that it does not accurately reflect the current safety situation in the Republic of Croatia. The question concerning the safety of tourists in our country can best be answered by the Croatian citizens, but also the tourists who have visited our country during the Easter holidays. We wish to call to mind that not a slightest incident was recorded, while data show an increase in the number of tourists visiting Croatia.

As regards the travel advice on the website of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia has requested from the British Embassy in Zagreb an explanation as to such advice and has also requested that an objective presentation of the Republic of Croatia be published.

We also wish to draw attention to the fact that the said text appeared around ten days after Croatia achieved full membership in the NATO, and that to achieve full membership in the NATO Croatia had to meet high political standards which encompassed democratic reforms including the reform of the judiciary, fight against corruption and organized crime, fight against international terrorism, and the protection of human rights and minority rights.

Press releases