Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Response to press statements by Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić

We most vehemently reject Minister Jeremić’s statements about the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian population published by the Serbian news agency Tanjug

We most vehemently reject Minister Jeremić’s statements about the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian population published by the Serbian news agency Tanjug. The Republic of Croatia will not allow such manipulation of the facts and falsification of the recent Croatian history, as it is well-known who was responsible for the war in ex-Yugoslavia, including the aggression against the Republic of Croatia.

Denying Serbia’s responsibility for the events in the recent past, including the odd thesis about how Serbia “did not endanger anyone’s sovereignty and territorial integrity”, proves that Serbia has not yet come to terms with its recent past and the role it played in the break of the former country. It also justifies the proceedings Croatia has lodged with the International Court of Justice against Serbia for violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

The Republic of Croatia is determined to continue with the proceedings, providing the Court confirms its jurisdiction, and sees them as means of determining the truth and responsibility for the recent events, which is an important part of any reconciliation and healthy basis for developing good-neighbourly relations.

We also determinately dismiss the baseless accusations about the Serbian capital being discriminated against in Croatia, and would like to reiterate that Croatia is open to all aspects of capital investment regardless of the country of origin.

Lastly, as a country on the eve of joining the EU and in the final phase of the ratification of the Protocol on NATO Enlargement, the Republic of Croatia will continue to support the Republic of Serbia along its European path.

Press releases