Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Gordan Jandroković paid official visit to Estonia, met with Foreign Minister Urmas Paet, European Affairs Committee Chairman Marko Mihkelson

Minister Jandroković and Minister Paet agreed that the relations between Croatia and Estonia as very good

Minister Jandroković and Minister Paet agreed that the relations between Croatia and Estonia as very good, but that there is room for their further enhancement, especially in the areas of economy.

Minister Jandroković informed the Estonian side about the course of Croatia’s EU and NATO negotiations, for which there is no objective reasons not to be completed as announced – NATO in April 2009, the EU by the end of this European Commission’s mandate. He tanked Minister Paet for the support Estonia is extending Croatia in its EU relations and for the transfer of Estonia’s negotiations experience. Minister Jandroković also expressed hope that the Estonian Parliament would soon ratify the Protocol on Croatia’s NATO Accession.

The two ministers also reviewed the current state of affairs in South Eastern Europe. Minister Jandroković pointed out the importance of the Euro-Atlantic perspective for the countries in the region as the best guarantee for peace and stability. In that regard, Croatia will continue to assist the region’s countries in their Euro-Atlantic integration accession by transferring its experiences.

The two collocutors also talked about the economic relations. The trade between Croatia and Estonia equals $10 million, and despite the growth trend, there is a realistic basis for its improvement. The sectors with room for improvement include energy, shipbuilding, the transfer of technology, education, and tourism. It was pointed out that the number of Estonian tourists in growing each year, facilitated by a season-only direct flight between Dubrovnik and Tallinn. In 2007, 12 000 Estonian tourists visited Croatia.

In the afternoon, Minister Jandroković also met with Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves.

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