Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Croatia retains right of ID-entry into neighbouring EU members

The meeting of the Council of the EU Justice and Internal Affairs Ministers held on 18 September 2007 in Brussels accepted Croatia’s proposal to exempt Croatia from the Schengen rules on entering the EU, which will enable the Croatian citizens to continue crossing the border with Italy, Hungary and Slovenia with an ID only

The meeting of the Council of the EU Justice and Internal Affairs Ministers held on 18 September 2007 in Brussels accepted Croatia’s proposal to exempt Croatia from the Schengen rules on entering the EU, which will enable the Croatian citizens to continue crossing the border with Italy, Hungary and Slovenia with an ID only.

This unique exception from the otherwise strict Schengen rules confirms that the EU has recognised in Croatia, considering its candidate status, a valid partner which, as a future member of the Union, guarantees full border security and the respect of the Schengen rules.

The accepted ID-entry solution, after Hungary and Slovenia’s joining the Schengen system, presupposes the usage of a form that will be one-time, free and with no security protection. It is to be issued by the Croatian border police and border crossings upon leaving the country. Presenting the form for stamping ensures the obeying of the Schengen rules, while allowing the Croatian citizens an easy crossing of the border with no additional expenses.

The adopted solution covers travelling to Italy, Slovenia, and Hungary, while travelling to the Schengen zone requires a passport. The significance of this solution will most fully be felt by the citizens living in the areas along the border with the three neighbouring EU members.

The adoption of Croatia’s proposal is the result of months of diplomatic activities. Since the EU will be monitoring is implementation, it is important for the Croatian citizens to know their rights and exercise them accordingly.

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