Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

State Secretary Pejčinović Burić participated in 11th meeting of National Forum on EU Accession on “Waste Care and Economy Development”

State Secretary for European Integration Marija Pejčinović Burić participated on 19 March 2007 in the 11th meeting of the National Forum on EU Accession held in Virovitica, entitled “Waste Care and Economy Development”

In her opening speech, State Secretary Pejčinović Burić addressed the environment protection within the context of EU accession. She pointed out that the environment protection, and waste management as one of its most important segments, represents one of the EU’s most successful and most demanding policies. Adaptation to the EU standards in this area is costly and slow, but should not be viewed as an expense, but as a contribution to the economy and an investment in the concept of sustainable social development. The participants were also greeted by the State Secretary at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, Nikola Ružinski, who pointed out that the Croatian Government is through a series of projects and activities promoting the implementation of the world’s highest standards in waste management and continuously working on harmonisation with the EU directives, with significant investments from the Environmental Protection Fund and the EU funds. Ružinski also stressed that waste care should not be considered an expense, but a stimulation for job opportunities and economic development, which should unburden the national budget.

The participants were then shown video material containing examples of good practice in waste management, which served as a basis for a dynamic and constructive discussion. The participants agreed that Croatia has made significant progress regarding waste management, pointing out the examples of modern landfills that satisfy the highest European and world’s standards, as well as successful companies dealing in waste recycling, namely PET-packaging. It was concluded that additional efforts are needed in the care and recycling of other types of waste (hazardous waste, e-waste, etc.), that awareness about the right way to care for waste should be heightened through educational programs, further investment and job opportunities stimulated in sectors directly and indirectly related to waste management, and public debate on the subject continually stirred.

The Virovitica Forum gathered the representatives of Croatian state and public administration, MPs, representatives of local government and self-government, academic community, economic institutions, civil society, media, manufacturers, successful entrepreneurs, and other interested groups and individuals.

The National EU Accession Forum is an initiative by MFAEI whose aim is to raise the Croatian public’s familiarity with Croatia’s EU accession process and spark a public debate on the process in all parts of the Croatian society.

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