Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Grabar-Kitarović met with Albanian Foreign Minister Besnik Mustafaj

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović met on 2 March 2007 in Zagreb, on the margins of the meeting of SEECP foreign ministers, with Albanian Foreign Minister Besnik Mustafaj

Both sides agreed about the existence of very good political relations between the two countries, with no open issues, noting that this year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Albania.

Minister Mustafaj congratulated on the excellent organisation of the meeting and communicated the Albanian Government’s support for Croatia’s SEECP presidency. He pointed out the very good political relations and the importance Albania is placing of the relations with Croatia, also evident in the fact that the Albanian Embassy is seated in Zagreb. He stressed the possibility of improving the economic co-operation. The Albanian side is particularly interested in the co-operation on the transfer of experiences with the energy sector and considers that co-operation in energy could lead to the intensification of the economic relations and an increase in Croatian investments in Albania.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović expressed satisfaction with last year’s intensive political co-operation and the signing of important agreements on tourist, cultural and economic co-operation. She voiced satisfaction over the growth of economic exchange, adding that there is room for deepening the co-operation in the area of economy. As far as the energy co-operation is concerned, Minister Grabar-Kitarović proposed co-operation among the relevant ministries and energy companies. She thanked the Albanian side for its support for Croatia’s candidacy for a non-permanent UN Security Council member, emphasising the very good and intensive co-operation among the UN-Adriatic Charter signatories.

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