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State Secretary Biščević received Serbian Ambassador Cvetićanin

State Secretary for Political Affairs Hido Biščević received on 7 February 2007 the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia, Radivoj Cvetićanin

Ambassador Cvetićanin communicated Serbia’s position regarding the proposal for the solution to the status of Kosovo, published by the UN General Secretary’s Special Envoy for Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari. According to Ambassador Cvetićanin, Serbian state and political leadership finds in that proposal elements of a potential independence for Kosovo, and therefore considers it unacceptable. Ambassador Cvetićanin said that Belgrade will continue to take part in the international community’s forthcoming diplomatic activities, including the meeting with Special Envoy Ahtisaari in Vienna, with the expectation that the new Assembly of the Republic of Serbia will be constituted by then.

State Secretary Biščević pointed out that Croatia recognises the political, historical and legal significance and sensitivity of the Kosovo issue, and view Ahtisaari’s proposal, as well as the further relations between Belgrade and Priština, primarily through the interest in a security and permanent stability of Europe’s south east through, among other things, a heightened responsibility for a full respect of democratic standards and protection of human and minority rights in Kosovo. The Republic of Croatia, as a country at an advanced stage of acceding to the Euro-Atlantic integrations, said State Secretary Biščević, is taking into account the international community’s positions and is actively following the diplomatic efforts of the Contact Group, European Unions, United States, and other members of the UN Security Council.

State Secretary Biščević emphasised the importance of further enhancing the bilateral relations between the two countries, noting Croatia’s expectations for a soon forming of the Serbian Government that will continue with the democratic reforms and pro-European orientation. He also pointed out that Croatia, as the SEECP presiding country, considers that together with the other SEECP participant can significantly contribute to the overall progress of South East Europe in its Euro-Atlantic processes, which certainly provides a wider positive context of interest to Serbia.

At the end of the meeting, State Secretary Biščević informed Ambassador Cvetićanin that Croatia is about to send a request to UNMIK for the opening of a Croatian Liaison Office in Priština, pursuant to the Croatian Government’s decision.

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