Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

State Secretary Pejčinović Burić met with European Parliament’s Secretary General Julian Priestley

State Secretary for European Integration Marija Pejčinović Burić met 24 November 2006 with Secretary General of the European Parliament Julian Priestley

State Secretary Pejčinović Burić pointed out her satisfaction with the intensity of the relations between the European and the Croatian Parliament, also evidenced in the dynamics of the parliamentary delegations’ exchange visits. State Secretary Pejčinović Burić took the opportunity to thank for the European Parliament’s support for Croatia’s EU accession process.

State Secretary Pejčinović Burić informed Secretary General Priestley about the progress of Croatia’s EU membership negotiations and presented the activities conducted as a part of the preparations for the membership, with an emphasis on educating civil servants about the European integration, strengthening human potential in state administration bodies, and informing the citizens about the EU and the membership preparations.

Secretary General Priestley stated that the purpose of his visit was to arrange the possibilities of a Croatian representative’s participation in the activities of the European Parliament during the ratification process of the future Accession Agreement. The two also discussed the technical aspects of translating in Croatian at the European Parliament and engaging a translator for Croatian.

State Secretary Pejčinović Burić and Secretary General Priestley also talked about the possibilities of a concrete co-operation between the MFAEI Independent Service for Translation in the Field of European Integration and the Translation Service of the European Parliament, which would be realised through the exchange of experiences and expertise in the field of translation.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the existing co-operation and a hope for its further intensification.

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