Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFAEI press release on occasion of UN Day

Today, 61 years ago, on 24 October 1945, the United Nations Charter came into effect

Today, 61 years ago, on 24 October 1945, the United Nations Charter came into effect.

Today’s day, the Day of the United Nations, is an opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of the United Nations’ role and think about its future and the role of Croatia.

Global political, economic, and social threats of today know no national boundaries and demand joint multilateral solutions. Although a small country, Croatia has its own important place in it, constantly strengthening its international role. Co-operation with the UN is one of Croatia’s central foreign policy activities. The crown of this co-operation, and one of the biggest challenges of Croatia’s foreign policy, is our candidacy for a non-permanent Security Council member for the 2008-2009 period.

The activities of the United Nations in maintaining and building world peace and security, the process of global disarmament, stimulating a balanced economic and social progress, and developing human rights protection, to mention some of the more important, are still a proof of the UN’s dedication to the dialogue from which no one should be excluded.

Although global challenges have changed significantly since the founding of the UN, its basic goal remains the same – to build trust among the nations of the world. Let us join today, and not only today, all of those who selflessly promote the ideas of the UN community.

Press releases