Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFAEI’s reaction to events in Middle East

The Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration wishes to express its utmost concern over the extreme escalation of the conflict in the Lebanese Republic, along with the hope that the international community will facilitate a quick calming of the crisis and the cessation of the unacceptable extremist activities so as to prevent a further spreading of the conflict, stemming namely from the positions and conclusions of the G-8 representatives at the St. Petersburg Summit, as well as the cessation of the terrorist activities and the respect for the Lebanese Republic’s sovereignty

As a member of the Antiterrorist Coalition, Croatia condemns all forms of extremism and terrorism, as well as the usage of the territory of the sovereign democratic Lebanese Republic for attacks on the State of Israel and its civilian targets.

Croatia deems it necessary that maximum effort be put forth so as to ensure a quick ceasefire and prevent a further spreading of the conflict, as it could, in view of the current situation in the Middle East, have serious and far-reaching consequences on the peace and stability in the region and beyond.

Croatia would once again like to advocate a reopening of the political negotiations on a permanent solution to the long-standing crisis in that part of the world, namely the solving of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the main source of instability, in accordance with the principles of the past negotiations process. A permanent solution requires securing the State of Israel’s right to peace and security, and the right of the Palestinians to a stable country of their own.

In these serious circumstances, Croatia would like to call on the countries in the region to facilitate a prompt political solution and show their utmost responsibility and restraint.

The MFAEI is keeping close contact with the Croatian companies in Lebanon, Syria, and the neighbouring areas, monitoring the security situation and taking the necessary measures to protect the Croatian citizens working or staying there.

Furthermore, the Croatian Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development warned the Croatian vessels to avoid sailing in the close vicinity of the area.

Press releases