Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Grabar-Kitarović signed in Brussels Protocol on Co-operation in Creating ReSPA

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović signed 2 May 2006 in Brussels the Protocol on Co-operation in Creating the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA)

The Protocol foresees the creation of a network of signatory countries’ public administration schools with the aim of enhancing the regional co-operation in public administration, strengthening administrative capacities in accordance with the European integration process, and developing human potential in accordance with the European administrative space. The Protocol’s parties will also keep contact between the institutions responsible for public administration training, facilitate the exchange of information and experience, and take part in projects of joint interest.

“The Republic of Croatia is glad that the European Commission has recognised the importance of setting up a regional centre for public administration education. The ReSPA project is very important to Croatia, as we believe that further enhancement of administrative capacities will help the countries in the region,” said Minister Grabar-Kitarović at the press conference.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović also pointed out that the Croatian side has shown interest in the school to be founded in the Republic of Croatia, namely the City of Rijeka.

The basis of this project is the Thessaloniki Declaration, adopted 21 June 2003, that among other things foresees the introduction of new instruments and forms of co-operation between the EU and the countries taking part in the Stabilisation and Association Process. This regional co-operation project has been appraised by the European Commission as a project of key importance for a further integration of the region’s countries into the EU. The EC will in the first two years after the signing of the Protocol finance the activities of ReSPA.

Press releases