Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFAEI organised third meeting of National Forum

Organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, the third meeting of the National Forum on acceding to the EU was held 26 November 2005, on the subject Sovereignty and National Identity in the European Union

The participants discussed the extent to which countries entering the EU are transferring their sovereign powers to the joint EU institutions, and the extent to which they retain their sovereign rights. The participants pointed out that the countries are not transferring their sovereignty to the EU, but are building upon it and sharing it with the other EU members.

One of the topics of the third meeting of the National Forum was how to keep a national identity in the EU and how to make Croatia recognisable in that state union. The participants agreed that the experiences so far show that the countries remained recognisable despite the EU membership and that the protection of national minorities is one of the basic principles of the Union, as evident in the motto United in Diversity.

Along with Minister Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the National Forum saw numerous dignitaries from the Croatian public and political life.

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