Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Ambassador at the MFAEI Gordan Bakota led the Croatian delegation at the 28th session of the Permanent Croatian-Bavarian Commission held 19-21 October 2005

In Würzburg, Bavaria, the 28th session of the Permanent Croatian-Bavarian Commission, which is one of the leading regional initiatives in the region, was held 19-21 October 2005. The Croatian delegation consisted of the representatives of the relevant ministries and institutions, and was headed by the Croatian Co-Chair of the Commission Gordan Bakota, while the Bavarian delegation was headed by for European Affairs and Regional Relations Eberhard Sinner

Ambassador Bakota and Minister Sinner pointed out the Commission’s importance in promoting a successful partnership co-operation that is a proof of firm ties between Croatia and Bavaria. Reviewing the current political and economic situation, Ambassador Bakota said that the opening of the negotiations with the EU has brought about a new atmosphere of optimism not only in those fields, but in the Croatian society as a whole, and will enrich the Commission’s co-operation in areas of special importance for all the more successful negotiations between Croatia and the EU.

Minister Sinner said that the co-operation within the Commission is a part of the vision about the EU, as all of the projects lead to Croatia’s quicker full time membership, for which Croatia has Bavaria’s full support. Minister Sinner therefore reiterated Bavaria’s congratulations, already expressed by the Bavariam Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber to Ivo Sanader, and both sides agreed that the new perspective concerning the negotiations will reflect on the Commission’s future guidelines.

The session ended with the signing of the Protocol in which all of the important projects were mentions from the fields economy, tourism, agriculture, interior affairs, justice, culture, science and education, European integration, traffic, environmental protection and spatial planning, employment and health, the realisation of which was determined by the Working Program, which is an excellent basis for the continuation of the existing and the development of a future co-operation. The next session will he held in Croatia, Spring 2007.

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