Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Grabar-Kitarović’s meeting with the State Department Under-Secretary for political affairs R. Nicholas Burns

Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović met today, July 29, 2005, during her working visit to Washington, with the State Department Under-Secretary for political affairs R. Nicholas Burns

Working meeting between Minister Grabar-Kitarović and the State Department Under-Secretary for political affairs R. Nicholas Burns presents a continuation of the dialogue and co-operation based on the recent meeting of the Republic of Croatia Prime Minister Ivo Sanader and the U.S.A. high-state officials.

Minister Grabra-Kitarović and State Under-Secretary for political affairs R. Nicholas Burns discussed, during the meeting, the two countries' overall bilateral relations and their activities aiming at the strengthening of partner relations.

They discussed all major issues in a constructive and friendly atmosphere, with regard to the regional co-operation and the Croatian prospects within the Euro-Atlantic integrations. Very good relations have been confirmed, as well as the wish for the continuation of the two countries' partner relations in the context of strengthening the security and stability in the wider South-East European territory.

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