Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

State Secretary Marija Pejčinović Burić and Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade Karien van Gennip signed Memorandum of Understanding on PSO Pre-Accession Program

State Secretary at the MFAEI Marija Pejčinović Burić and the Minister for Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Karien van Gennip, signed today 7 June 2005 in Zagreb the Memorandum of Understanding on the PSO Pre-Accession Program

The PSO Pre-Accession Program supports the strengthening of institutions and administrative capabilities of the Republic of Croatia for the purposes of meeting the EU standards. The Dutch assistance program is directed in particular at the adoption and implementation of acquis communitaire and priorities determined by the National Program for Croatia’s joining the EU, in order to help Croatia satisfy the economic priorities directly related to the EU accession.

The program is designed to stimulate activities in the following areas: customs union and free movement of goods, agriculture (including food safety), fishing, transport policy, market competition policy, taxation, economic monetary union and free movement of capital, foreign economic relations, energy, industry and domestic market, regional policy and co-ordination of structural funds, trade law and the environment. The main guidelines of the project will include the technical assistance for the purposes of co-operation, the transfer of expert knowledge and experiences, as well as working visits and seminars.

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