Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Protocol signed at the MFAEI on co-operation between the Republic of Croatia and German region of Baden-Württemberg

State Secretary at the MFAEI and Co-Chairman of the Croatia-Baden-Württemberg Mixed Commission Gordan Bakota and Co-Chairman of the German part of the Commission, Minister for European Affairs of the Government of the German Federal State of Baden-Württemberg Urlich Müller held on Tuesday, 22 March 2005, at the MFAEI a press conference on the occasion of the constituting session of the Mixed Commission for the co-operation between the Republic of Croatia and the German region of Baden-Württemberg

Bakota and Müller signed the protocol before the members of the press, which points out the co-operation in the fields of European integration, justice, internal affairs, economy, environment protection, culture, education, transport and agriculture. The Protocol confirms the agreement between the two sides on concrete projects such as the exchange of experts between Croatia and Baden-Württemberg, Croatian officials’ visits to Baden-Württemberg mission to Brussels, and German language classes in Croatia taught with the participation of experts from the region.

State Secretary Bakota said that the co-operation with Baden-Württemberg is at the highest level and that full support was expressed to Croatia’s EU membership. The highest level of co-operation is proven by the fact that 10 representatives from Baden-Württemberg’s ministries, one of the most developed German regions, took part at the meeting. Minister Müller stressed that tourism can be the focal point of the development of Croatia’s economy, as it is based on small and middle-sized entrepreneurship and is linked to a series of other services, so positive effects can be expected in various areas. Both sides agreed that Germany’s experiences in small and middle sized entrepreneurship can be very useful to Croatia.

Taking part in the activities of the Mixed Commission on the Croatian part are representatives of the ministries of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Culture, Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development, Interior Affairs, Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, as well as the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and State Directorate for Protection and Rescue.

Press releases