Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Press release on conducting and co-ordination of the presidential elections abroad

Croatian MFA’s Commission for the Preparation and Co-ordination of Presidential Elections in Croatia, as well as the Operative Commission appointed by Foreign Minister Žužul on 2 November 2004, are active within the MFA in Zagreb for the purposes of providing technical and logistic support in conducting and co-ordinating the elections abroad

The MFA would like to inform that the presidential elections will be held the same day, 2 January 2005, from 7 AM to 9 PM, in Croatia’s diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad, in accordance with the Presidential Elections Act and Voters’ Register Act. The Ministry has asked and received from all of the countries where electoral posts and committees will be opened the necessary consent for the holding of the elections.

With regard to the last year’s elections abroad – elections for the Members of the Parliament, held 2003 – the number of electoral posts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and Montenegro has been increased, which in BH now number 42 (12 more than at the last year’s elections) and 7 in SMN (6 at the last elections: 2 in each diplomatic mission). It is worth pointing out that this year for the first time elections will be held not only at the diplomatic mission and consular offices in Serbia and Montenegro.

Therefore, apart from DM/CO in Belgrade, Kotor and Subotica, this year’s elections will also be held in Novi Sad, Sombor and Sremska Mitrovica. This will make voting easier for the Croatians living as refugees in SMN.

Through DM/CO and media in the countries where elections are to be held, Croatian citizens eligible to vote have been informed about the electoral right on holding the elections abroad, as well as with the manner of voting and the voting posts. The presidential elections for the Croatian citizens living abroad will be held at 155 electoral posts in 50 countries.

We would also like to mention that OSCE has requested a monitoring status for the elections in Serbia and Montenegro, but has not requested the same for the elections in Croatia.

Press releases