Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Žužul is taking part at the OSCE Ministerial Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria

Foreign Affairs Minister Miomir Žužul held a speech at the OSCE Ministerial Conference held 6-7 December 2004 in Sofia, Bulgaria, who will preside over OSCE until the end of this year

Minister Žužul said that OSCE represents a significant step forward in improving the co-operation in the fight against terrorism. He pointed out that Croatia feels a special duty towards the process of strengthening the stability in South Easter Europe and reminded that important regional priorities include solving the missing persons issue, full co-operation with the ICTY, promoting democratic processes and institutions, human and minority rights protection, strengthening of the rule of law, and European and transatlantic integrations in particular.

Minister Žužul said that he is pleased with the OSCE mission in Croatia and stressed that the largest part of the mandate and goals of OSCE in Croatia have been realised. Since its mandate is reaching its end, Žužul expressed his conviction that Croatia is ready – within the activities of OSCE and EU institutions – transfer its experiences onto countries and areas that need it.

Minister Žužul also held a series of bilateral meetings in Sofia. Spanish Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos communicated his government’s firm support to Croatia’s efforts in the process of acceding to the EU. Minister Žužul said that receiving the date for the start of the negotiations between Croatia and the EU is an important message for the region.

Portuguese Minister Antonio Montiero also expressed his government’s support. Minister Žužul held shorter meetings with heads of the delegations from the Holy Seat and Luxembourg, and will meet today with foreign ministers from Hungary, Belgium, and Sweden.

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