Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Croatian Foreign Minister on a working visit to Belgrade met with Foreign Minister of Serbia and Montenegro Vuk Drašković

Croatian Foreign Minister headed the Croatian delegation on a working visit to Belgrade today, 28 May 2004, where he met with the Foreign Minister of Serbia and Montenegro Vuk Drašković, Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica and President of Serbian and Montenegrin Parliament Zoran Šami

Minister Drašković congratulated Minister Žužul on Croatia’s progress in approaching the EU, adding that Serbia and Montenegro want to go that way too. The two ministers agreed on the support and co-operation in Euro-Atlantic integration processes, which will contribute to the stabilisation of the whole region. There is no doubt that relations between Zagreb and Belgrade are vital for the region’s security and stability. Both sides agreed that there are open issues that need to be solved jointly, the most important of which are the return of the refugees, common border, and the issue of captured and missing persons. As regards the border issue, Minister Žužul said that there is no need for military troops to be stationed along the Serbian and Montenegrin border, with which Minister Drašković completely agreed, announcing that the military troops will be replaced by the police forces. This should create the conditions for the final regulation of the visa regime between the two countries. It was agreed that the return of the refugees should not be conditioned by anything, and should be speeded up, and find out as soon as possible the fate of the captured and missing persons. Along with the solving of the border issue, land registry issues in the border area should also be considered. Both minister expressed their satisfaction with the relation towards the Serbian minority in Croatia and agreed on the continuation of the talks about the bilateral Agreement on the Protection of National Minorities, while the Croatian side promised to appoint the main negotiator as soon as possible, so that the negotiations could go on. Minister Žužul pointed out that Croatia would welcome a Croatian representative at the Serbian and Montenegrin Parliament. Both ministers agreed that the quick solution of these and other open issues is in the interest of both countries. Minister Žužul and Minister Drašković also talked about the meeting that should discuss the succession issues and about the Agreement on the Inland Waterways. The two ministers also discussed the Serbian and Montenegrin Decree on Oil, as well as about the possibility of transit and the liberalisation of oil market in Serbia for Croatia’s oil products. Minister Žužul said that Croatia’s leading companies are interested in investing in Serbia and Montenegro, while Drašković suggested a joint appearance on the third world markets. After talks with Minister Drašković, Minister Žužul visited Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica, with whom he also discussed the open issues and co-operation, and Parliament’s President Zoran Šami. With both of them Minister Žužul discussed the exchange visits by prime ministers and parliament’s presidents. At the Croatian embassy in Belgrade Minister Žužul met with the representatives of Croatian National Council and Croatian representatives from the Serbian and Montenegrin Catholic Church. Minister Žužul and members of the delegation visited the Archbishop of Belgrade, His Eminence Stanislav Hočevar in his residence.

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