Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Žužul gave tonight a reception for heads of diplomatic missions to Croatia...

Foreign Minister Miomir Žužul with his wife Tatjana Žužul gave tonight, 27 February, a reception at the Museum for Arts and Crafts in Zagreb for heads of diplomatic missions to Croatia, ambassadors and their wives

Foreign Minister Miomir Žužul with his wife Tatjana Žužul gave tonight, 27 February, a reception at the Museum for Arts and Crafts in Zagreb for heads of diplomatic missions to Croatia, ambassadors and their wives. Present at the reception were also Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader with his wife, Culture Minister Božo Biškupić with his wife, and Minister for European Integrations Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. Minister Žužul opened the reception with a speech in which he thanked all present for their dedicated diplomatic work in Croatia. On behalf of the heads of diplomatic missions to Croatia, apostolic delegate and Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps msgr. Francisco-Javier Lozano greeted all present and thanked Minister Žužul for the reception and the hospitality he and his colleagues have been receiving while performing their honourable diplomatic duty in the Republic of Croatia. The reception, which also had a working character, saw 70 or so heads of missions accredited to Croatia.

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