Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

State Secretary at the Croatian MFA Gordan Bakota held 13 March 2004 at the Croatian Consulate General to Stuttgart...

State Secretary at the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gordan Bakota held 13 March 2004 at the Croatian Consulate General to Stuttgart a lecture about the Croatian government and MFA's policy towards Croatian emigrants and the co-operation between MFA and Croatian associations abroad

Present at the lecture were some 90 representatives from culture and sport associations, Croatian remedial schools and the branches of Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) in German federal province Baden-Württemberg where most of the Croatian emigrants live (110,000 of them). Consul General Vera Tadić pointed out that these lectures are a part of the regular activities organised by the Croatian Consulate General to Stuttgart, and that the meetings with culture and sport associations, as well as with the HDZ branches are being held for the third year in a row. State Secretary Bakota said that the Croatian government wants to lay firm foundations of unity between Croatia and Croatian emigration, pointing out the necessity of a change in attitude towards Croatian emigration. He further said that the Croatian diplomatic-consular network should be open for all Croatian citizens and associations, regardless of their political or other affiliations. The purpose of State Secretary’s visit to Stuttgart was to familiarise with the emigrants’ problems and find new possibilities for improving the co-operation with diplomatic missions. The Croatian government will work to amend the elections law and improve the work of Croatian remedial schools, as will work on a better cultural promotion of Croatia. Responding to questions, State Secretary Bakota emphasised the need for firmer ties with the Croatian community in Baden-Württemberg and promised to present their proposal for a direct Stuttgart-Zagreb air service to the Croatian authorities. Representatives from Croatian associations informed the State Secretary about their work on project COLIBRI (education of foreign children), the publishing of CROtime magazine and their wish to found a Croatian cultural club in Stuttgart.

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