Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

The Croatian delegation held a meeting in Bruxelles...

The Croatian delegation was led by the Minister of European Integrations Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, and consisted of Assistant Foreign Minister Neven Madey and Head to the Croatian Mission to the EU, Ambassador Mirjana Mladineo

At the meeting, which was held in a very constructive atmosphere, the representatives of the EC were familiarised with the developments regarding Croatia’s meeting of the political criteria for the EU membership. Results of mutual efforts were valorised regarding the Croatian achievements in their implementation. Representatives of the EC commended the Croatian government for its accomplishments, including the co-operation with the Hague Tribunal. The EC pointed out the fact that the Tribunal is expected to give a confirmation of the full co-operation, including the case of General Ante Gotovina. The EC informed the Croatian delegation about the activities regarding the finalisation of the Opinion and its publication mid or end-April, or immediately after, which is in accordance with the expected dynamic.

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