Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

Following the development of the Middle East crisis with great concern, the Croatian Government has welcomed the unanimous adoption of the UN Security Council resolution 1441 concerning the inspection regimen in Iraq. The Republic of Croatia appeals to the Government of Iraq to consistently cooperate in the implementation of resolution 1441, which could eventually contribute to a peaceful resolution of this crisis.

Iraq must submit plausible evidence that it does not pose a threat to world peace and does not increase the danger of the breakout of war.

Within its powers Croatia contributes to the successful operation of the inspection team of UNMOVIC in Iraq, through participation of Croatian experts/inspectors. In case of failure of the inspection team, Croatia is for continuing to deal with the problem within the UN Security Council. There is also the general acceptance of the interpretation of resolution 1441, presented at the UN Security Council meeting when this resolution was adopted, that in case of violation of the inspection regimen by Iraq, the Security Council would be consulted first.

In this connection Croatia calls on Iraq to fully cooperate with the inspectors of UNMOVIC and attentively expects the UN report scheduled for late February 2003. With this Croatia supports upholding international law and the role of the UN Organisation in time of crisis.

Croatia is consistently for the control, prohibition and destruction of WMA and is very active within the UN and other international forums regarding consistent implementation of all conventions relating to WMA.

Croatia welcomes the efforts of the United States as the leading power of the international antiterrorist coalition and the NATO. As a membership candidate, Croatia believes that the NATO should be used more for fighting global terrorism and defending the highest principles of democracy, international peace and security.

However, Croatia expresses her concern over the possible consequences, in case of military solution, for the Middle East and Central Asia regions at large. In this context the expected consequences of the possible escalation of the military conflict would include a high number of casualties among the civilian population, refugee crisis of enormous proportions, and disruption of the global economy.

Press releases