Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

At a ceremony in the Croatian Embassy in Washington, Dr Grdešić, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the United States of America, handed decorations of the Order of Prince Branimir with neckband to Mr. Pieter Stek, Executive Director of the World Bank, and Mr. Johannes de Beaufort Wijnholds, Executive Director of the IMF, awarded to them by Stjepan Mesić, Croatian President.

Successful cooperation with those who received decorations, as well as with their institutions, notably in the past three years, culminated by opening of regional office of the World Bank in Zagreb (for Croatia, Bulgaria and Rumania). The total funds received form the World Bank since 1993 until today amount to more than 1 billion USD. Negotiations and cooperation with IMF is much simpler and more efficient today. Croatia is defined today in these institutions as an equal partner in which the above stated executive directors had an important role.

Press releases