Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

Mr. Tonino Picula, Croatian Foreign Minister, received today in late afternoon, Mr. Michael Steiner, Special Representative of UN Secretary General for Kosovo.

During the meeting, they exchanged views on the situation in the region, notably in Kosovo. As the greatest problems he faces, Mr. Steiner reported unemployment at Kosovo which encourages its inhabitants to emigrate. Another large problem is organised crime, and non-resolved political and legal status of Kosovo. Gradual decrease of interest of international community in non-resolved issues in the Balkans also negatively reflects to the situation in the field.

Minister Picula noted that the Republic of Croatia is interested in a stable region. By its example, Croatia wishes to encourage others to follow its path in resolving open issues. Resolution to the situation in Kosovo must not destabilise the region, nor may it jeopardise borders of neighbouring countries. Croatia is ready to contribute to the calming of the situation and the creation of conditions for viable development of Kosovo by intensification of economic and cultural cooperation, and by increased cooperation in combating organised crime.

Press releases